Advocacy and Mediation

Vision in Mind is able to offer individuals and companies, NGOs, support groups, bodies etc Advocacy and Mediation Services.

Fay Jackson has received many awards for her work in this field. Fay was employed by a major health service as an advocate and mediator for 4 years.

Fays sense of humour and obvious knowledge often dispels anger and misconceptions and smoothes the waters to enable satisfactory outcomes usually for all concerned.

Professor Beverley Raphael presenting Fay Jackson with her the NSW Mental Health association Award for Consumer Advocacy at Government House, Sydney
Noel Trevascus, Fay Jackson, George Stinson and Joy Gillette (CEO Australian Rotary Health Research Fund) presenting the prestigious 'Meritorious Service to the Australian Community Medal' to Fay.
Fay Jackson & George Stinson from Vision In Mind with Julie McCrossin, ABC Radio presenter, at Parliament House Sydney after Fay received an award from CAN for your work in the Consumer Movement

Fay's Awards in mental health at local, state and national levels

CAN Consumer of the year award for community participation and advocasy.2006
The esteemed Australian Society for Psychiatric Research, Consumer Research Award, 2005
The prestigious 'Meritorious Service to the Australian Community Medal', Rotary Health Research Fund, 2004
Staff Excellence Award, NSW Govt. 2004
Mental Health Association Award for Consumer Advocate of the Year, 2003
Quality Improvement Project Award, ‘Mental Health Week’, 2002 - 2003
Mental Health Association State Service Award, 2003
Illawarra Health Consumer Award, 2003
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